Gel Head Donuts Surgical Head And Neck Positioning Gels

By Stephen Lamb

Gel head donuts are important medical tools that help to put patients in and remain in a proper positioning during head and neck surgical procedures. Involuntary bodily shifts are common occurrences from patients during surgical procedures. Any unwanted shift during surgery can cause serious complications to the surgery’s outcome and the patient’s overall health. The effects of poor patient positioning can include difficulty breathing, excess blood loss, skin abrasions, decubitus ulcers, nerve damage, as well as other serious health conditions. Pressure sore pillows are used during head and neck surgeries and work to minimize the risk of patient movement during surgery.

Providing a safe and comfortable resting place for patients during medical procedures is the target of gel headrests and similar products. When surgical gel headrests are used, doctors need not worry as much about the possibility of unwanted patient movement occurring and, therefore, can give a better focus to the task at hand. Doctors and patients can have the peace of mind knowing that the surgical setup is as safe, comfortable, and functional setting. Anesthesiologists find head gel positioners to be especially useful, since the positioners enable the technologist to position the patient in a safe manner for the procedure. Pressure ulcer pillows and other pressure relief products work to minimize pressure on the body during surgery. This in turn can prevent patient discomfort, strain, injury, or pressure sores after the surgery is completed. Medical gel pillows can be used at any stage of surgery, including pre-operation and post-operation procedures, to help promote patient positioning and comfort. A safe and successful surgical outcome is better ensured through the use of medical gel head pillows.


Several varieties of surgical gel headrests exist in order to accommodate for specific procedural needs or preferences. Pressure sore pillows are available in different models that come with or without centers. Horseshoe and ophthalmic are other shapes that are available in gel headrests. Supine and lateral surgical gel headrests are available when a physician needs a gradual, slanting slope, positioner. This type of head positioner is made in a variety of shapes and sizes. There are a multitude of options in gel positioners and pressure relief headrests to accommodate all types of procedures. Patient safety and comfort is ensured while using these modern, effective devices.

Many risks are posed when proper surgical patient positioning is not observed; therefore, surgical gel headrests are an indispensable medical tool. Surgical, as well as medical environments, are created to be safer, more comfortable, and less stressful for medical staff and patients alike. The risk of patient movement during surgery can be significantly minimized when utilizing the numerous gel headrests and pressure relief headrests that are currently available. Medical gel head pillows can be used during any head, neck, or other surgery where patient head positioning or comfort is a concern. Hospitals, private practices, as well as other medical centers use pressure relief headrests to promote proper patient protocol in their facilities.

About the Author: Universal Medical Inc is a premier provider of

pressure relief donuts


surgical gel headrests


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