Diarrhea Symptoms
Diarrhea is frequent watery or loose bowel movements that deviate from the normal pattern. The average adult has about four bouts of diarrhea a year. It is a more serious problem in young children and older adults. Diarrhea is a very common cause of hospitalization for children. It accounts for 9% of the hospitalizing in the United for States for Children under five years old.
Most diarrhea results from viral infections that take place in the intestines and stomach (gastroenteritis). The infection inflames and irritates the intestines, thus making it less able to absorb food and liquids.
# People with lactose intolerance (the inability to digest lactose) who have consumed dairy products will allow the lactose to ferment in the large intestine where it can cause bloating, flatus, diarrhea and pain.
# Consuming large quantities of artificial sweeteners such as hexitols, mannitol and sorbitol can cause diarrhea.
# Food poisoning leading up to diarrhea is caused by bacteria such as salmonella, E.coli and campylobacter.
# Diarrhea is often a symptom of many health conditions such as diverticulosis, irritable bowel syndrome, hyperthyroidism, celiac disease (gluten sensitivity,) vitamin overdose, caffeine overdose and alcohol overdose.
#Emotional stress and anxiety can have an unpleasant effect on the digestive system and can spark off diarrhea. Once the stress or anxiety is gone, diarrhea stops.
Diarrhea is loose stool movement. People with diarrhea normally excrete stool more than three or four times a day, passing more than a quart of waste products. Diarrhea is mostly caused by a viral infection, bacteria or parasite. Rotavirus infections, for example, hospitalize about 55,000 children in the United States alone. Other diseases such as botulism, cholera or dysentery count diarrhea as a symptom. That is why it is always important to have your condition checked whenever your diarrhea lasts longer than usual; diarrhea that lasts more than three or four days is already cause for concern.
Vomiting and Diarrhea sometimes have the same causes. It is mainly because of the bacteria in our stomach that causes intestinal inflammation. But the more common of these two is diarrhea. This is not a painful condition but it should not also be taken for granted. It is a recurrent loosing of watery stools from one’s body. There are commonly known two descriptions of diarrhea. These are the acute and chronic diarrhea. When we say acute diarrhea it mostly last for a week.
Diarrhea treatment can be achieved by using Ginger. In cases of diarrhea that were caused by indigestion, fresh or dry ginger has shown to be very useful. Use a piece of dry ginger along with a small crystal of rock salt, a qtr. Tsp. of this powder should be taken with a small piece of jaggery.
Home Remedies:
Activated charcoal is a form of charcoal that has been treated to render it able to adsorb substances to its surface. If your diarrhea is caused by toxins, it can adsorb these and remove the cause of the problem.
While activated charcoal is a good emergency remedy, probiotic supplements are longer term. While they can have an immediate effect, they are best when taken as part of your normal diet.
Astringent substances such as the tannins available from drinking black tea and carob help to control and stop diarrhea. Tannins work by slowing down the absorption of toxins into your body and reducing intestinal inflammation.
Many people swear by the effects of bulking agents and mucilage. This is provided by psyllium and pectin. They bulk up the stool and contents of the intestine in general, and speed up their movement, giving the intestinal muscles something to work on.
Though the cure for diarrhea is various yet in children it is found usually. The amount of weakness that it brings is too much for them to handle. We may take it very lightly but if not taken proper care of diarrhea can lead to death. Our environment to some extent is also responsible for it pollution and other toxic elements that are released in the air are also causes of diarrhea. The cure of diarrhea is taken at the right time will remove it from its root and make your stomach clean.
Diarrhea Symptoms
Symptom of diarrhea is watery feces with the frequency 4 x or more in one day, sometimes accompanied with vomiting, fatigue, fever, anorexia, bloody and mucous stool.
Feel queasy and vomit can precede the diarrhea caused by viral infection. The typical symptom of viral diarrhea is watery and foamy stool, no blood or mucus, and acid smells. If the stool is bloody, it may be caused by bacterium or parasite. Other symptoms can be experienced are stomachache and stomach spastic, fever, pain in bone or muscle, and headache.
Causes of diarrhea: Food Intolerance This is something you can take control over. First thing you need to know is that food intolerance can develop later in life. You’re not always born with food allergy or food intolerance. Consider keeping a journal of what food you eat and how you feel about that food later. This really works. Invest your time into your health.
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