Are Promise Rings The Right Choice?

byAlma Abell

You might not be ready to think about a long term commitment like marriage yet, and that is fine. Marriage is a serious step which should never be taken lightly. After all, about half of all marriages eventually fail in the first few years. However, you may have found some special you are willing to make some kind of commitment to, and promise rings may just what you are looking for.

What is a Promise Ring?

A promise ring states you have special feelings for someone and it is not simply an infatuation or passing fancy. In other words, this relationship has the potential to be permanent. Promise rings can be considered to be pre-engagement rings but this is not always the case.


Reasons for Giving a Promise Ring

A promise ring can be given to either a man or woman. In some cases, they are meant to symbolize chastity and these rings are known as purity rings. A purity ring can be the exact same thing as a promise ring as there are no set standards to follow. In fact, many men give engagement rings as promise rings. Remember, it is the purpose behind promise rings which is the most important issue. Here are some of the things a promise ring can say:

  • I love you
  • I intent to be faithful to you
  • I will come back – people in the military often give promise rings before shipping out.
  • I will be chaste
  • An engagement is in our future
  • I promise to stop smoking, drinking, drugs or some other vice
  • I can’t afford an expensive engagement ring at present

Shopping for Promise Rings

When you shop for the perfect promise ring, you are not limited to one type ring style. However, one thing you should stay away from is wedding ring sets, which include an engagement ring. If you are ready to shop for wedding ring sets, there is no need to look at promise rings.

Price Range

In general, a promise ring is much cheaper than an engagement or wedding ring. You are not usually expected to spend thousands of dollars. After all, most people looking for promise rings are probably on limited budgets. You can find some excellent selections for a few hundred dollars or less.

Wearing a Promise Ring

Promise rings should be worn on the same finger as wedding and engagement rings. However, if a marriage is not planned for the future, the right hand ring finger may be the best option.