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Keeping the Fleet Safe with a Vehicle Tracking System
Simply Trak
Businesses that use vehicles, particularly fleets of vehicles, to get their work done are particularly vulnerable to costly error, misuse and theft. Even the most conscientious employee, given the keys to a company vehicle, is bound to end up using it for personal business – and of course all vehicles are at risk from theft, vandalism and accident on a daily basis. As such, the ownership of a fleet of corporate vehicles can represent the biggest headache of all for managers, directors and company owners. A vehicle tracking system can take all of those headaches away in one self-justifying swoop.
A vehicle tracking system isn’t just a system that lets fleet owners know where their vehicles are: a modern vehicle tracking system also lets them know what they are doing, what speeds they are doing, whether they are idling or in motion, how long they are left idling and whether they are deviating from company routes or business. As such, a modern vehicle tracking system is capable of saving serious money for every company that uses vehicles – hence the claim that they are self-justifying. Indeed, a decent modern vehicle tracking system pays for itself almost before it’s been unwrapped. The amount of money lost in fuel by lengthy idling periods or unnecessary journeys in corporate vehicles is frankly astonishing. A GPS vehicle tracking system is capable of monitoring idling time as well as route usage – is the driver using the vehicle for company business or personal? And are they travelling by sensible routes or roundabout ones? How about speeding? Speeding fines put massive annual dents in the coffers of companies that run fleets – a modern vehicle tracking system can tell owners exactly what speed a vehicle is doing at any given time, and warn them when drivers persistently pass the speed limit on their routes. Persistent speeding is too expensive to ignore – a modern vehicle tracking system provides the evidence companies need to control their drivers on the road. Theft, of course, is an ever-present danger to all vehicle owners – and when those vehicles are company vehicles, which tend to contain expensive equipment or goods, that threat is magnified. A good vehicle tracking system is as guaranteed a way as it is possible to find of retrieving stolen vehicles: but, better than that, it’s the best deterrent against theft in the first place. A vehicle clearly labelled as being protected by a vehicle tracking system is far less likely to get stolen. The deterrent effect of a vehicle tracking system works across the board. Just as thieves who know a vehicle is protected by a vehicle tracking system won’t steal it, so drivers who know their trucks are covered by a vehicle tracking system won’t abuse them. And that’s the best insurance a fleet company can ever buy.
Simplytrak based in Riplingham, Brough are leaders in the asset tracking industry. A good
vehicle tracking system
is as guaranteed a way as it is possible to find of retrieving stolen vehicles.
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