Iraqi insurgents intercepted drone feeds using widely available software

Saturday, December 19, 2009 United States defense officials acknowledged that Iraqi insurgents successfully intercepted live video feeds from U.S. MQ-1 Predator unmanned aerial vehicles with widely available software. The story broke on Thursday in the Wall Street Journal with a defense official, anonymously, informing them it is an old problem, which has already been fixed.Read More

Tips On Public Public Speaking: Boosting Confidence And Attaining Success

Public speaking may seem daunting for some, but mastering this skill can lead to numerous opportunities both professionally and personally. Consider taking a presentation skills online course to boost your abilities and improve your success in public speaking. Here are several tips to help you build your public speaking skills. Identify your goal For yourRead More

An Effective Speaker Would Excel In Communication

Whether in a corporate setting, social gathering, or personal conversation, the power of effective communication cannot be underestimated. Imagine listening to a speech or presentation that utterly captures your attention, right to the very end. This kind of memorable communication typically comes from an effective speaker. But what is it, exactly, that makes one speakerRead More

Hawaii Executive Leadership Coaching Tips}

See More About: Asp Level 2 Electrician Newcastle Submitted by: Alisa Murphy Hawaii can be a challenging place to find good executive leadership training programs. Executives often have to spend time and money traveling to the mainland for intensive courses that may or may not suit their style. Executive leadership coaching is an alternative, butRead More

Avoiding Distractions In Public Speaking

See More About: Best Online Presentation Skills Course Avoiding Distractions in Public Speaking by Vincent Stevenson How would you feel if you could hear snoring during your speech? What have you done to switch your audience off? That’s an easy question to answer. And the answer is this forget that the audience are there andRead More

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