The Dangers Of Rapid Weight Loss Diets

Submitted by: Marcus Langley

Radical Weight-loss dieting increases the risk of developing gallstones. Gallstones are clusters of solid material that form in the gallbladder. The most common type is made mostly of cholesterol. Symptomatic gallstones result in about 800,000 hospitalizations and more than 500,000 operations each year in the United States. People who lose a large amount of weight quickly are at greater risk than those who lose weight more slowly. Rapid weight loss may also cause silent gallstones to become symptomatic. Studies have shown that people who lose more than 3 lbs per week may have a greater risk of developing gallstones than those who lose weight at slower rates.

A very low-calorie diet (VLCD) allows a person who is obese to quickly lose a large amount of weight. VLCDs usually provide about 800 calories per day in food or liquid form, and are followed for 12 to 16 weeks under the supervision of a health care professional. Studies have shown that 10 to 25 percent of people on a VLCD developed gallstones. These gallstones were usually silent they did not produce any symptoms. About one-third of the dieters who developed gallstones, however, did have symptoms and some of these required gallbladder surgery.


Experts believe weight-loss dieting may cause a shift in the balance of bile salts and cholesterol in the gallbladder. The cholesterol level is increased and the amount of bile salts is decreased. Following a diet too low in fat or going for long periods without eating (skipping breakfast, for example), a common practice among dieters, may also decrease gallbladder contractions. If the gallbladder does not contract often enough to empty out the bile, gallstones may form.

So instead of going for a drastic and restrictive diet, it is always better to go for a slow but durable weight loss with the help of a natural weight loss supplement or an effective fitness program, or if you are suffering from morbid obesity, you can opt for a surgical solution. But bare in mind that gastric bypass surgery and lipossucion can be dangerous. So get informed as much as you can before you risk your life trying to lose excess fat.

About the Author: Marcus Langley is a contributing writer for

, an editorial about various health issues. This edition’s article is -Weight Loss Dangers Exposed- by Lars Ericsson.


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